Well it would be July 14 but that is Bastille Day and I also organize a Bastille Day ride. That starts in Sokol Park in Cedar Rapids at 6pm. Bring a french bike of course. We'll have our cake and eat it too.
And why stop there, I'm tossing in a easy vintage Schwinn Bicycle ride on July 15, Sokol Park.
CVT starts at 9:00 am at the Hiawatha trail head on Boyson Road just 2 blocks east of I380. Overnight parking is okay there. For a shorter option you can start your ride at the train depot in Center Point. Overnight parking is okay there too. The short option cuts about 13 miles off the ride each day but you asphalt lovers will miss 13 miles of paved trail.
We stop everywhere. Every place to snack or drink and we will take advantage of that.
Overnight motels. Plenty to choose from near the Cross Roads Mall area in Waterloo. Dinner at Panera right across the street from the Days Inn.
We know the back roads in to Waterloo so we only have 2 block of potentially busy road. This is a very flat trail and route.
See you on the ride. The details are always the same.
I'll be riding from my house at 8am if you want some extra miles.
Meet up at the Hiawatha trail head at 9 am.
Ride slow, stop in every town for snacks and drinks.
Carry your own change of clothes and tooth brush.
Dinner at Panera across from the motels.
There is no trail pass required for the CVNT.
This is a regular Hawkeye Bicycle Association ride and helmet use is requested.
Trail conditions? We'll find out when we get there.
One thing about the CVT is there are always decent riding alternatives around any section of the trail.
Fine new bridge just west of Center Point.
Fine architecture in the small towns along the trail.
Fine art in the small towns along the trail.
Fine riders along the trail.
Fine vista, not along the trail.